ICONICRS 2024 Author Registration Information

Prospective author is expected to fully aware of our conference flow. Below are some information on how to join our conference

  1. Browse our official website at https://iconicrs.universitaspertamina.ac.id/
  2. Understanding our term and condition in each pages of our websites
  3. Click paper submission on the top right and you will direct to our management conference system. To login, please read our paper submission guidelines
  4. After submitting your paper, please remember your paper ID. You will use it to pay the registration fee later.
  5. Make payment to our conference, you need to add paper ID submission to the last amount of your transfer.
  • For Example
  • Your paper ID is 20
  • You are academia from Indonesia and join offline that should pay IDR 1.500.000.- (if you are from Universitas Pertamina discuss with us for the special offer)
  • Then you need to transfer IDR 1.500.020.-
  • Please refer to this page to see our bank account to make conference payment
  1. Save your receipt, and convert it to image format (JPG,PNG). You will need it later to reconfirm your registration with us
  2. Go again to iconic official website https://iconicrs.universitaspertamina.ac.id/
  3. Click Register on the middle of our banner
  4. Fill the form, upload your payment receipt
  5. Click Register
  6. Your registration now has been recorded in our system. Our committee will contact you soon
  7. Prepare your presentation based on our guidelines
  8. Join ICONICRS presentation
  9. Waiting for your publication
Term and condition : The committee have rights to change, update and revise the flow and all of regulation and policy in ICONICRS 2024 without short and further notice
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